Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

Aquatic biotechnology is revolutionizing our understanding and management of aquatic ecosystems. By leveraging biotechnological tools and techniques, researchers are tackling challenges related to aquaculture, marine conservation and ocean health. Through innovations in microbial biotechnology and, aquaculture practices are becoming more efficient and sustainable, with advancements in disease management and feed production. Additionally, aquatic biotechnology is instrumental in bioremediation efforts, utilizing microorganisms clean up polluted waterways and restore damaged marine habitats.

  • Track 1-1  Aquaculture Biotechnology
  • Track 1-2  Molecular and Cellular Aquatic Biology
  • Track 1-3  Bioinformatics in Aquatic Biotechnology
  • Track 1-4  Regulatory and Ethical Issues in Aquatic Biotechnology
  • Track 1-5  Algal Biotechnology

Global biotech is a boundary-breaking force, propelling advancements in healthcare, agriculture, and energy sectors worldwide. Leading the charge are heavyweight players: pharmaceutical titans, agricultural pioneers, and versatile research collectives. Picture precision gene editing revolutionizing healthcare, fortified crops safeguarding global food supplies, and sustainable biofuels reshaping energy landscapes. Environmental guardianship is also a priority, with biotech leading efforts to purify soil and degrade plastics.

  • Track 2-1  Plant Biotechnology and Crop Improvement
  • Track 2-2  Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing

Nature biotechnology integrates biology, chemistry, engineering, and computer science to manipulate living systems for diverse applications. It promises breakthroughs in medicine, agriculture, conservation, and industry through genetic engineering, synthetic biology, bioprocessing, and bioinformatics, offering solutions to global challenges.

  • Track 3-1  Bioreactors and Fermentation Technology
  • Track 3-2  Biofuels and Renewable Energy
  • Track 3-3  Synthetic Biology: Design and Application
  • Track 3-4  Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Track 3-5  Bioreactors and Fermentation Technology

Microbial biotechnology harnesses the immense potential of microorganisms for various applications, spanning industries from pharmaceuticals to environmental remediation. At its core, this field utilizes the metabolic capabilities of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms to produce valuable compounds, enzymes, and bioactive molecules. Microbial enzymes, such as amylases and proteases, find widespread use in industrial processes for their ability to catalyze specific reactions efficiently. Moreover, microbial fermentation is pivotal in the production of antibiotics, vaccines, and biofuels, leveraging the metabolic versatility of microorganisms.

  • Track 4-1  Microbial Genomics and Metabolic Engineering
  • Track 4-2  Industrial Applications of Microbial Biotechnology
  • Track 4-3  Microbial Biotechnology in Agriculture
  • Track 4-4   Development of microbial-based therapies and vaccines
  • Track 4-5  Environmental Microbial Biotechnology

Nano-biotechnology combines nanotechnology precision with biological complexity, offering transformative applications in medicine, energy, and beyond. It enables targeted drug delivery, penetrating cellular barriers for precise treatment with minimal side effects. Nanostructures function as sensitive biosensors, aiding early disease detection. In regenerative medicine, nanomaterial’s  scaffold tissue growth, facilitating organ repair.

  • Track 5-1  Nanomedicine
  • Track 5-2  Nanotoxicology
  • Track 5-3  Nanobiomaterials
  • Track 5-4  Nanoimaging
  • Track 5-5  Nanoengineering

Medical biotechnology uses biology and engineering to create tools for diagnosing, treating, and preventing diseases. It includes genetic engineering, molecular biology, and tissue engineering. Advances like recombinant DNA make insulin and antibodies. Gene therapy fixes genetic disorders, and stem cell research regenerates tissues. Personalized medicine tailors treatments using genomics. Biotechnology is vital for vaccines and diagnostic tools, improving healthcare and quality of life.

  • Track 6-1  Genetic Engineering and Gene Therapy
  • Track 6-2  Regenerative Medicine
  • Track 6-3  Diagnostic Biotechnology
  • Track 6-4  Legal Issues in Medical Biotechnology
  • Track 6-5  Biopharmaceuticals and Therapeutics

Efforts in agricultural biosecurity aim to safeguard crops and livestock from various biological threats by monitoring and controlling the spread ofpests and diseases. This involves implementing quarantine measuresfor imported goods and utilizing surveillance and early detection systems to identify potential risks promptly. Additionally, promoting biosecurity protocols on farms and throughout supply chains is crucial for preventing and managing outbreaks, ensuring the resilience of agricultural systems.

  • Track 7-1  Biosecurity in International Trade
  • Track 7-2  Vaccination and Immunization
  • Track 7-3  Disease Surveillance and Monitoring
  • Track 7-4  Quarantine and Bio containment
  • Track 7-5  Pathogen Management

The field of mental health research is rapidly evolving, with a focus on developing innovative treatments for various disorders. This involves thorough exploration of genetic and neurobiological factors, using cutting-edge biotech tools for diagnosis and monitoring. Such endeavors contribute to advancing our understanding of  brain function and pave the way for personalized therapies and interventions tailored to individual needs.

  • Track 8-1  Biotechnology in Neuropharmacology
  • Track 8-2  Biotechnological Approaches in Psychiatric Genetics
  • Track 8-3  Digital Mental Health
  • Track 8-4  Mental Health and Aging
  • Track 8-5  Mental Health and Neuroscience

Biofuel production involves the conversion of organic materials into viable fuel sources such as biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas, derived from a range of inputs including crops, algae, and waste materials. This process offers renewable alternatives to conventional fossil fuels, aiding in the global effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. By harnessing natural resources, biofuels contribute to a more sustainable energy future while reducing reliance on non-renewable resources.

  • Track 9-1  Biodiesel Production
  • Track 9-2  Bioethanol Production
  • Track 9-3  Technological Innovations in Biofuel Production
  • Track 9-4  Biofuel Sustainability and Lifecycle Analysis
  • Track 9-5  Advanced Biofuels

Biodegradable plastics, whether derived from renewable resources or petrochemicals, offer a promising solution to environmental concerns by naturally breaking down into non-toxic components. This characteristic not only reduces environmental pollution but also addresses the pressing issue of plastic waste. Widely utilized in various industries including packaging, agriculture, and medical products, biodegradable plastics present significant potential in combatting plastic pollution and promoting a more sustainable future.

  • Track 10-1  Processing and Manufacturing
  • Track 10-2  Advanced Materials in Plastics
  • Track 10-3  Biodegradable Plastics in Circular Economy
  • Track 10-4  Applications and End-Use Markets
  • Track 10-5  Industry Trends and Market Insights

Ethical oversight is essential in guiding biotech research, ensuring a delicate balance between health and environmental risks. This includes addressing concerns surrounding genetic manipulation and promoting equity and access to the benefits of biotechnology. By considering these factors, responsible regulations can be crafted to shape the direction of biotech innovation, fostering a framework that prioritizes ethical considerations alongside scientific progress..

  • Track 11-1  Bioethics and Human Enhancement
  • Track 11-2  Regulatory Ethics in Biotechnology
  • Track 11-3  Social Justice and Bioethics
  • Track 11-4  Bioethics and Bio banking
  • Track 11-5  Environmental Ethics in Biotechnology

Nanotechnology in medicine focuses on developing minute materials and devices tailored for medical applications, revolutionizing drug delivery by enabling targeted treatments with enhanced precision. This technology also facilitates precise imaging techniques crucial for accurate diagnosis, while supporting advancements in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Furthermore, nanotechnology plays a pivotal role in improving disease detection and monitoring, promising innovative solutions for better healthcare outcomes through its multifaceted applications.

  • Track 12-1  Nano-biotechnology in Regenerative Medicine
  • Track 12-2  Nano-biosensors and Devices
  • Track 12-3  Nano-robotics and Surgery
  • Track 12-4  Ethical and Safety Considerations
  • Track 12-5  Nanomedicine Applications

Data analysis plays a crucial role in modern healthcare, providing valuable insights that can accelerate drug discovery processes and enhance diagnosis accuracy. By leveraging advanced analytical techniques, medicine can be tailored to individuals, ensuring personalized treatments that optimize efficacy and minimize adverse effects. Additionally, data-driven approaches improve bioprocess efficiency, streamlining manufacturing processes and enhancing productivity in the biotech industry.

  • Track 13-1  AI in Genomics and Personalized Medicine
  • Track 13-2   AI in Healthcare and Medical Diagnostics
  • Track 13-3  AI in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
  • Track 13-4  AI in Bioprocessing and Biomanufacturing
  • Track 13-5  AI in Drug Discovery and Development

Industrial biotechnology also focuses on bioprocess optimization to improve yield and cost-effectiveness. Innovations in synthetic biology allow for the design and construction of new biological parts, devices, and systems, further expanding the potential applications. This technology not only supports green manufacturing processes but also contributes to waste management by converting waste products into useful materials.

  • Track 14-1  Industrial Biotechnology Regulations and Ethics
  • Track 14-2  Industrial Biotechnology Applications
  • Track 14-3  Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
  • Track 14-4  Food and Beverage Industry
  • Track 14-5  Bio-based Lubricants and Surfactants

Addressing the complexities of rare diseases demands a multifaceted approach that incorporates cutting-edge gene therapy and precision medicine. By targeting the underlying causes and advancing treatments, researchers can provide hope to those affected by these conditions. Essential to this effort is the support of research into rare disease genetics, which enables the development of tailored therapies.

  • Track 15-1  Rare Disease Genetics
  • Track 15-2  Biotech Innovations in Precision Medicine
  • Track 15-3  Patient Advocacy and Rare Diseases
  • Track 15-4  Drug Development for Rare Diseases
  • Track 15-5  Genomics and Rare Diseases

Stem cell tech is a medical marvel, promising regenerative treatments for diseases. Stem cells, versatile in generating various cell types, offer hope for tissue repair. Key players: research institutes, biotechs, and hospitals. Breakthroughs already seen in spinal cord injuries, Parkinson's, and heart disease. Different types - embryonic, adult, induced pluripotent - each have pros and cons. Personalized medicine benefits, tailoring treatments to genetics and history.

  • Track 16-1  Stem Cell Therapy in Neurology
  • Track 16-2  Stem Cells in Cardiac Regeneration
  • Track 16-3  Stem Cell Engineering and Biomaterials
  • Track 16-4  Regenerative Medicine Applications
  • Track 16-5  Cancer Stem Cells and Therapy

The Biofuel technologies play a pivotal role in the transition towards sustainable energy sources by harnessing the power of nature to convert organic matter into usable fuel. This process, which includes the production of biodiesel, bioethanol, and biogas, utilizes crops, algae, and waste as primary feedstocks. Unlike fossil fuels, biofuels offer a renewable alternative that significantly mitigates greenhouse gas emissions, thereby combating climate change.

  • Track 17-1  Advanced Biofuel Technologies
  • Track 17-2  Biodiesel Production and Utilization
  • Track 17-3  Bioethanol Production and Applications
  • Track 17-4  Algal Biofuels
  • Track 17-5  Waste-to-Fuel Technologies

Biotechnology in space is changing how we explore the cosmos. It helps create life support systems by recycling waste and making oxygen from microalgae. Biotech also makes medicines for astronauts and teaches us about cells in space, useful for both space and Earth. Genetic engineering makes organisms tougher for space conditions, improving farming in space. These advancements make space exploration more sustainable and open up new possibilities for future civilizations beyond Earth.

  • Track 18-1  Biomedical Research in Space
  • Track 18-2  Space Agriculture and Bioengineering
  • Track 18-3  Bioinformatics and Space Data Science
  • Track 18-4  Microgravity Bioprocessing
  • Track 18-5  Astrobiology and Exobiology

Biotechnology is making waves in art and culture by integrating scientific innovation with creative expression. Artists are harnessing biotechnological tools and materials to explore biological themes and create bio art that challenges traditional notions of artistry. Through techniques like genetic engineering and tissue engineering, they're creating living artworks that blur the boundaries between the living and the artificial. His fusion of science and artistry not only pushes the boundaries of creativity but also prompts reflections on ethics, identity, and our relationship with nature.

  • Track 19-1  Bio-Inspired Design and Architecture
  • Track 19-2  Interactive and Digital Biotechnological Art
  • Track 19-3  Bioart and Bioaesthetics
  • Track 19-4  Ethics and Social Impact of Biotechnological Art
  • Track 19-5  Biotechnological Innovations in Conservation

Bioinformatics in modern forensics relies on advanced computational techniquesto analyze biological data from crime scenes, particularly through DNA sequencing and analysis. It enables investigators to identify suspects, establish relationships between individuals, and provide crucial evidence. Sequence alignment algorithms, genetic databases, and statistical models aid in interpreting DNA profiles, facilitating accurate sample-to-individual matches. This intersection of biotechnology and computational biology enhances efficiency and reliability in forensic analyses, showcasing the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnological applications in law enforcement and criminal justice.

  • Track 20-1  Forensic Transcriptomics
  • Track 20-2  Population Genetics and Forensic Statistics
  • Track 20-3  Digital Forensics
  • Track 20-4  Microbial Forensics
  • Track 20-5  DNA Profiling and Analysis