Track Categories

The track category is the heading under which your abstract will be reviewed and later published in the conference printed matters if accepted. During the submission process, you will be asked to select one track category for your abstract.

Biotechnology is a multidisciplinary field that combines biology, chemistry, genetics, and engineering to develop products and technologies that improve our lives. It involves the use of living organisms or their components to create or modify products, processes, or systems for specific applications.

Biotechnology is a dynamic and progressive domain that fuels innovation and leaves a profound imprint on society. With ongoing advancements, we can anticipate even more remarkable breakthroughs and novel discoveries in the future.

  • Track 1-1  Personalized Medicine
  • Track 1-2  Gene Editing and CRISPR Diagnostics
  • Track 1-3  Stem Cell Technology
  • Track 1-4  Drug Research
  • Track 1-5  Machine Learning and AI

Agricultural biotechnology, also known as agritech, is the application of scientific techniques to improve and modify plants, animals, and microorganisms used in agriculture. It involves the use of genetic engineering, molecular markers, and other biotechnological tools to enhance crop productivity, nutritional value, and resistance to pests, diseases, and environmental stresses.

It has potential to revolutionize agriculture by addressing global challenges such as food security, climate change, and resource constraints. However, it is essential to carefully consider the ethical, environmental, and social implications of its use.

  • Track 2-1  Crop Improvement
  • Track 2-2  Disease and Pest Management
  • Track 2-3  Nutritional Enhancement
  • Track 2-4  Sustainable Agriculture
  • Track 2-5  Diagnostics and Monitoring

Plant biotechnology refers to the use of scientific techniques to manipulate and improve plants for human benefit. This field combines principles from plant science, molecular biology, genetics, and other disciplines to develop new technologies and tools for the enhancement of plant traits.

Plant biotechnology has the potential to address global challenges related to food security, environmental sustainability, and human health. However, it also raises ethical, social, and regulatory considerations that need to be carefully addressed.

  • Track 3-1  Plant Tissue Culture
  • Track 3-2  Transgenic Plants
  • Track 3-3  Plant Pathology
  • Track 3-4  Abiotic Stress Tolerance
  • Track 3-5  Biofortification

Animal biotechnology is a field of biotechnology that involves the use of molecular biology, genetics, and other biological techniques to manipulate and modify animals for various purposes.

Animal biotechnology is a dynamic and evolving field with potential benefits for agriculture, medicine, and conservation. However, it also requires careful consideration of ethical, social, and environmental implications.

  • Track 4-1  Transgenic Animals
  • Track 4-2  Livestock Improvement
  • Track 4-3  Reproductive Biotechnology
  • Track 4-4  Vaccines and Immunotherapy
  • Track 4-5  Gene Editing

Nanobiotechnology is the convergence of nanotechnology and biotechnology, aiming to create novel materials, devices, and methods for biomedical purposes. It encompasses the synthesis, characterization, manipulation, and design of nanomaterials and nanoscale devices, enabling interaction with biological systems at the molecular and cellular level.

Continued research in nanobiotechnology is crucial for the safe and effective development of applications and deepening our understanding of the complex interplay between nanomaterials and biological systems.

  • Track 5-1  Nanodevices and Sensors
  • Track 5-2  Nanotoxicology
  • Track 5-3  Theranostics
  • Track 5-4  Nanobiology
  • Track 5-5  Nanoemulsions

Industrial biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that applies biological systems, organisms, or derivatives to industrial processes and manufacturing. It involves the use of living cells (such as bacteria, yeast, or enzymes) and biological systems to develop products, processes, and technologies that benefit various industries.

It continues to evolve with ongoing research and technological advancements, offering innovative ways to address issues related to resource depletion, environmental impact, and the development of more eco-friendly products and processes.

  • Track 6-1  Industrial Biocatalysis
  • Track 6-2  Waste Treatment
  • Track 6-3  Biorefineries
  • Track 6-4  Bio-based Products
  • Track 6-5  Bioenergy and Biofuels

Microbiology is a scientific discipline that explores the intricate world of microorganisms, encompassing bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa. These tiny organisms are omnipresent and hold immense significance in numerous fields, including medicine, agriculture, and industry.

In essence, microbiology is a vast and diverse field of study, delving into various areas such as the classification of microorganisms, their involvement in industrial processes, and their impact on human health and the environment. Continuous research in microbiology is crucial for comprehending and effectively managing microorganisms and their effects on our world.

  • Track 7-1  Bacteriology
  • Track 7-2  Virology
  • Track 7-3  Mycology
  • Track 7-4  Parasitology
  • Track 7-5  Microbial Ecology and Genetics

Molecular biotechnology is a specialized field within biotechnology that utilizes molecular biology techniques to enhance and innovate products and processes across various domains, including medicine, agriculture, and environmental science. By manipulating the genetic material of organisms, such as DNA and RNA, researchers in molecular biotechnology create novel products or enhance existing ones.

This involves employing genetic engineering techniques to modify an organism's genetic composition, such as introducing new genes or modifying existing ones. Recent advancements in molecular biotechnology, including the revolutionary CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing tool, have revolutionized the field and expanded the horizons of research and product development.

  • Track 8-1  Genetic Engineering
  • Track 8-2  Recombinant DNA Technology
  • Track 8-3  Protein Engineering
  • Track 8-4  Genomic and Transcriptomic Analysis
  • Track 8-5  Synthetic Biology

Bioinformatics is a dynamic field that bridges the gap between biology, computer science, and statistics. Its purpose is to unravel the mysteries of biological data through computational and statistical techniques. This interdisciplinary approach allows researchers to gain insights into biological systems and make sense of the vast datasets generated by experiments.

In essence, bioinformatics plays a crucial role in modern biology and medicine by enabling the development of innovative therapies and treatments, as well as the continuous improvement of tools and methods for analyzing and interpreting biological information.

  • Track 9-1  Epigenetic Modifications
  • Track 9-2  Structural Annotations
  • Track 9-3  Pathways and Networks
  • Track 9-4  Genomic Variations
  • Track 9-5  Gene Expression Subtracks

Food biotechnology is the utilization of scientific techniques and technologies to enhance the production, processing, and quality of food products. It encompasses a wide range of research areas and applications. Scientists employ biotechnology tools to create crops that can withstand environmental stresses like drought and disease, and also to develop crops that offer improved nutrition to vulnerable populations.

However, the ethical, social, and environmental implications of food biotechnology, especially regarding genetically modified (GM) crops and the use of agrochemicals, must be carefully examined to understand their potential impacts.

  • Track 10-1  Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
  • Track 10-2  Food Microbiology and Fermentation
  • Track 10-3  Safety and Preservation
  • Track 10-4  Waste Utilization
  • Track 10-5  Food Enzymes and Processing

Medical biotechnology refers to the use of biological systems, organisms, or derivatives to develop technologies and products for medical applications. It involves the application of principles and techniques of molecular biology, genetics, microbiology, and other biological disciplines to solve problems and create advancements in healthcare.

The field of medical biotechnology is dynamic and continually evolving, with ongoing research and innovations driving progress in healthcare and medicine.

  • Track 11-1  Gene Therapy
  • Track 11-2  Diagnostics
  • Track 11-3  Vaccines
  • Track 11-4  Stem Cell Therapy
  • Track 11-5  Regenerative Medicine

Biopharmaceutics is a branch of pharmaceutical science that focuses on the study of the relationship between the physical and chemical properties of a drug, the dosage form (such as tablets, capsules, or injections), and the route of administration, with the goal of optimizing the drug's performance in the body. It plays a crucial role in the development of pharmaceutical products and their effectiveness in treating various medical conditions.

Researchers and pharmaceutical scientists use biopharmaceutics principles to develop new drug formulations, improve existing ones, and enhance overall drug delivery strategies.

  • Track 12-1  Formulation Development
  • Track 12-2  Drug Delivery Systems
  • Track 12-3  Dissolution Testing
  • Track 12-4  Personalized Medicine
  • Track 12-5  Quality Control and Assurance

Biochemistry is the branch of science that explores the chemical processes within and related to living organisms. It combines principles from both biology and chemistry to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie various physiological functions and processes in living organisms. Biochemists study the structure, function, and interactions of biomolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.

Researchers and professionals in biochemistry contribute significantly to advancements in medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, and various other scientific fields.

  • Track 13-1  Enzymology
  • Track 13-2  Structural Biochemistry
  • Track 13-3  Metabolism
  • Track 13-4  Cell Signaling
  • Track 13-5  Immunology

Bioprocess technology focuses on harnessing the potential of biological organisms like cells, tissues, and microorganisms to carry out specific functions and produce valuable products. The field centers around the use of bioreactors, specialized vessels that cultivate and maintain these organisms in optimal conditions to maximize growth and productivity.

This discipline is crucial for the creation of biologically derived goods, ranging from pharmaceuticals to biofuels. By comprehending and refining bioprocesses, we can enhance the efficiency and sustainability of industrial practices while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels and synthetic chemicals. Continual research in bioprocess technology is vital for developing new biotechnologies and optimizing existing processes to tackle the challenges faced by our society.

  • Track 14-1  Fermentation Technology
  • Track 14-2  Downstream Processing
  • Track 14-3  Cell Culture Technology
  • Track 14-4  Bioreactor Design and Operation
  • Track 14-5  Biopharmaceutical Production

Nutrition science is a multidisciplinary field that studies the interactions between living organisms and the substances they consume, with a primary focus on food and its components.

Research in nutrition science contributes to our understanding of the role of diet in various health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. It also helps inform public health policies and guidelines to promote optimal nutrition and overall well-being.

  • Track 15-1  Behavioral Nutrition
  • Track 15-2  Sports Nutrition
  • Track 15-3  Nutrigenomics and Nutrigenetics
  • Track 15-4  Dietary Guidelines and Recommendations
  • Track 15-5  Nutritional Biochemistry

Marine biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that explores the potential of marine organisms and their derivatives found in oceans, seas, and estuaries. This field covers a wide range of research areas and practical applications, including the creation of new medications, industrial enzymes, biomaterials, and biofuels.

Additionally, marine biotechnology delves into the study of marine biodiversity for various purposes, including food production. However, it is crucial to address the environmental implications of marine biotechnology, such as the impact on marine ecosystems and the potential contamination of marine environments. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt sustainable and responsible practices in this field.

  • Track 16-1  Marine Microorganisms
  • Track 16-2  Bioproducts and Pharmaceuticals
  • Track 16-3  Aquatic Bioremediation
  • Track 16-4  Climate Change
  • Track 16-5  Data Analytics

Environmental biotechnology is a branch of biotechnology that concentrates on utilizing biological processes to tackle environmental challenges. It involves applying biological tools and techniques to restore polluted environments, generate sustainable energy, and create eco-friendly products and processes.

This field plays a crucial role in addressing environmental issues and promoting sustainable development by offering various solutions for cleaning up polluted areas, producing renewable energy, and developing environmentally-friendly practices. However, ethical, social, and environmental concerns arise from the use of environmental biotechnology, such as its potential impact on natural ecosystems and the possibility of exploiting natural resources. Therefore, it is imperative to carefully assess the potential consequences of environmental biotechnology and adopt responsible and sustainable approaches to its implementation.

  • Track 17-1  Bioremediation
  • Track 17-2  Waste Treatment and Management
  • Track 17-3  Biogas and Bioenergy
  • Track 17-4  Environmental Monitoring
  • Track 17-5  Genetically Engineered Microorganisms

Intellectual Property Rights refer to legal protections granted to individuals or organizations for their inventions, creations, or discoveries.

It's important for individuals and organizations involved in biotechnology to understand the relevant intellectual property laws and seek appropriate protections for their innovations. This can involve working with patent attorneys, trademark specialists, and other legal experts to navigate the complex landscape of intellectual property rights.

  • Track 18-1  Patents
  • Track 18-2  Trademarks
  • Track 18-3  Copyrights
  • Track 18-4  Regulatory Data Protection
  • Track 18-5  Bioethics